Image and presentation is vitally important in that ‘first’ meeting. You seldom get a second chance to impress.
When you meet someone it takes less than 10 seconds to form an opinion. How you look and present yourself is key and you seldom get a second chance. Creating a lasting impression is a combination of your complete appearance – from your poise and posture, to your image and presentation, voice projection and handshake.
- Are you presenting yourself to a unique advantage?
- How do you rate your personal image, posture and body alignment?
- What is your body language telling people about you?
- Do you use your voice effectively?
- What are the key aspects in creating a positive first impression?
- Have you mastered the latest skin and hair care techniques for making the most of yourself?
- Do you manage your wardrobe and styling effectively to enhance your brand image?
- Do you have a wardrobe that best suits your body shape and personal style?
- Have you thought about your brand signatures and how to use them to your advantage?
- Do you have a plan that works for you to become more healthy and energetic?
- Are you always in the present moment and non judgemental - using mindfulness to engage?
- How would you rate your level of self esteem?
Claim Your Complimentary 20-Minute Assessment
To explore how we can help you to become more confident, polished and professional in business and social settings please contact me.